What is it that makes a client great? Is it their curiosity to see what can be done? Or is it their bravery to really move outside the box. Maybe it is those that understand that less really is more.
Over the years, I have had some wonderful clients. We understood each other, we had similar tastes (somewhat), and we “got” each other. What we developed and produced was far and above the sum of our parts. It happens so often, that I must admit that these great clients find me, and I find them, through unseen channels and the most odd coincidences. My metaphysical friends would say the Law of Attraction (LOA) is at play here. For those that aren’t familiar with the LOA, it basically states the “like attracts like.” Which means that other designers are rendezvousing with those that resonate with them, and I’m doing that with my wonderful clients too. My religious friends would say, it is a “God-thing”.
However it happens, I am eternally grateful. Most of these clients become friends of mine. I end up becoming a “team member,” wanting them to succeed as much as they want it. I admire my clients, most of whom are entrepreneurs, and business people, who are risking a lot, at a time when it would be easier to wait. Their instincts are telling them to “jump” even though they cannot see where they will land through the fog. I guess that is the point. If everyone waited until it was safe, there would be no risk, and the reward, would have gone to the pioneers who blazed the trail and made it comfortable for everyone that followed.
Not all my clients are these trailblazers. Some say “I’ve never seen that before,”or “let’s see what another company is doing and match that design.” I can certainly see it is very difficult to push an idea through committee after committee and end up with a pristine, unscathed, design direction.
That is why I am writing this. To praise the gumption of those that can rise to the cause and do something that makes a difference in their field of endeavor. Not every design is cutting edge, but those shown here are pushing new boundaries. No cookie-cutter stuff, no follow-the-leader. Just a re-thinking of what the purpose of the piece is, and how it functions, and to consider the end-user of the design. How it impacts their life, their job, their community. “How can we make this better” is the single most used phase of this type of client. They make things around them better. They help me remember why I do this for a living.
And for that, I say, “Thanks!”