Digicom Technologies Website
website concept & design
Houston, Texas
Digicom Technologies, voice, date and IT solutions. This website is an e-commerce site and done a few years ago. I teamed with a favorite programmer on the east coast and he did the website production and e-commerce system (html coding). I normally do all my own coding (website production), but with e-commerce, I like to hire someone that does nothing but e-commerce. Especially with the hundreds of products that Digicom sells.
The Digicom Technologies folks buy and sell telecommunication equipment and install new as well. Great people that really step up to help their clients. They have since hired an in-house programmer that has taken over control of the website. This is a great idea in this case, as it’s much less expensive to hire a good programmer full-time to take care of all that data on a daily basis.
So, if you visit, you’ll see that some changes were made from our original designs.