Blisswood Poster
poster concept, design, & production
Houston, Texas
My friend Tracy of BrandSoup called and asked that I consider working on the poster design for Blisswood’s Feast in the Field’s Wine & Food Festival. Blisswood is a B&B in the Texas Hill Country, Cat Spring, Texas to be exact. They had a great idea to promote their beautiful B&B and all that it offers by having this festival.
The task was to design an eye-catching poster that quickly promoted the festival while being nice enough to want to keep. Well, I may not be born in Texas, but I got here as soon as I could! And I have seen hundreds, maybe thousands of Texas Bluebonnets photographed and illustrated. I have to say, most all of the illustrations are downright awful. I knew using photographs wouldn’t work as most of us have seen too many to have it grab our attention. It had to be yet another illustration of Texas Bluebonnets. I think it turned out well, not too saccharine, and now I want one for my walls!