American Business Services Website
logo concept & design,
website concept, design, & production
Houston, Texas
Here’s a talented business man and computer genius that programs software that allows the shipping industry to operate efficiently so we can all save money. His numerous software packages dovetail with software giant SAP programs to perform mind-boggling tasks akin to juggling tens of thousands of balls in each moment.I wanted his website to reflect the industry while having a fresher, current feel. Technical meets business, just like him and just like his business.
In the logo design, I felt it was important to emphasize the word Service as American Business is used a fair amount and doesn’t speak to what he does, but service is rare. Very rare. I tried to stay away from a too patriotic color theme, keep it close enough to register, but not too yankee-doodle as several of his clients are over seas and a bit touchy about how proud we can be over here.
The folks at ABS are having their staff (great coders themselves) work on the website.