All About Vibe

Okay. So what has “vibe” (vibration) got to do with graphic design or anything at all for that matter? Well, quantum physics states that at sub-atomic levels there is nothing solid, but rather energy vibrating at specific frequencies. The slower the frequency the “more solid” the matter becomes (or appears). All five of our senses respond to a unique spectrum of frequencies. We are all familiar with the visible spectrum, but there is one for each of the five senses. Yes, even smell. What if there were even more spectrums that we haven’t discovered or thought about yet. Well, there’s a lot of them and they are affecting us all the time.

Have you ever seen the experiment where someone takes a tuning fork of a specific note (let’s say a C-sharp) and strikes it? All the other C-sharp tuning forks within earshot also start vibrating the same note, but any other Non-C-sharp tuning forks don’t vibrate at all. How can that be? Resonance and entrainment.

This might be easier described using art as an example rather than design. As an artist, I can see (and feel) that my art is an expression of me as a person. If I am angry, depressed, or joyful, it comes out in the art. If you are sensitive enough, you can actually feel it. Even if you cannot feel it, you are feeling it on some deeper level and being influenced by it. I only place art on my walls that “feed” me. So, say you come home from work, and you’ve had a rough day for whatever reason. Do you want some “angry art” reminding you (according to the artist) that the world sucks, isn’t fair, and that you should be pissed off too? Well, no. How about if the art reminds you of the opposite? The world is actually a great place, and that tomorrow will be a better place! Sure, that works!

Okay, now that we have discussed that, what about your website, brand, advertising campaign, etc.? You can have an advertising campaign about, “Saving the Planet,” or “mountain biking the Appalachian Trail,” and it can still feel awful. How about a super-cheap website template designed in a sweatshop overseas? You don’t think the “vibe” of the designers is all over that design? Like it or not… it is. That is why you should hire/consider the “appropriate” designer. Besides do you really want your brand (reputation) in the hands of the lowest bidder?

Since brands, then websites, are visible to the public the longest, they are the most susceptible to “the vibe issue” discussed above. Through resonance a design can pull people in or push them away. How can you tell? First, slow down. Take some quiet time to reflect on how a designer’s portfolio makes you feel? Okay, some of you are chuckling, and that’s okay. Think of this as a secret weapon that is most effective because no one works on this level… yet. Can this add to the bottom line? I would say yes, definitely.

I can’t tell you how many people tell me that my work has a certain feel to it. They can actually pick my work out from others easily. I think this is because I do this intentionally. It is also due in large part I want the best results for my clients. Intentions firmly set, come through every time.

There is more than meets the eye in everything, including a great website or great print design.

Just something to think about when hiring a designer, or looking at artwork. Any advantage that could be utilized should be. Or at least considered.

Is your website or print design resonating with your potential customers?